Student of the month

Jack Lidbeck:

“Jack is a stellar student. He engages purposefully and is a dynamic learner. I love Jack's passion for music and his compassion for others. Jack fills my classroom with joyful laughter and cheerful conversation. I am proud to have Jack Lidbeck as our Student of the Month. He is a positive role model, a caring friend and a dependable student. Jack comes with a positive, can-do attitude!  He shows leadership in class and is kind to everyone. He is also appreciative and polite to adults, for example thanking them for attending basketball games. Jack is a very kind, pleasant, respectable and helpful student. Jack is one of the most respectful and kind students.  He supports other students to achieve their best!  Jack is one of the kindest and most thoughtful students I've had the pleasure of working with. He is a tremendous class contributor and is always willing to work collaboratively with his peers.  In addition, Jack displays exceptional leadership qualities as he's developed into a role model for students throughout our school district through his many extracurricular activities.”