Harrisburg High School Office

7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

P.O. Box 209 - 400 S. 9th St., Harrisburg, OR 97446

Phone: 541-995-6632

Fax: 541-995-6697


To pay on your students meal account click on image below:

Meal Time

Drivers ED at Oregon Driver Training Institute!

Drivers Ed

To fill out free and reduced application click on image below:

Free and Reduced Lunch


Online registration for sports:

There is no longer sign up sheets in the office for sports. All athletes are required to sign up on family ID. If you need further information on this, please have your student pick up a form in the office or contact Scott Buzzard

To register your student please click image below:

You will need your A number for parent log in and student ID for student log in.

Student Registration

To pay your students fees online, please click the image below. You will need your students ID number, if you do not have this number please call the office.