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Talented and Gifted (TAG) students are an important part of every school community across Oregon. In Oregon, districts and schools must plan for how they will meet the academic and social-emotional needs of TAG students, specific to their local context, and communicate these plans to the students and families they serve. District-level Talented and Gifted Education Plans serve as an integral communication tool for district educators, families, and community partners. Districts are required to submit their TAG plans to the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) every year, provide copies upon request to schools within their district, and post a copy on their district website. (OAR 581-022-2500 (2)(a)(A)) Oregon laws that govern Talented and Gifted Education include both Oregon Revised Statutes (Oregon laws passed by the State Legislature, abbreviated as ORS) and Oregon Administrative Rules (requirements that are adopted by the State Board of Education to support Oregon Revised Statutes, abbreviated as OAR). Statutes provide legal definitions and broad guidelines specific to gifted education. The Oregon Administrative Rules outline the specific requirements districts implement to meet the minimum standards for identification, parents' rights, and programs and services. Specific statutes and OARs are referenced throughout this TAG plan.
Key Terminology Talented and Gifted Students in Oregon: Students who require special educational programs or services, or both, beyond those normally provided by the regular school program, in order to realize their contribution to self and society. These are students who demonstrate outstanding ability or potential in one or more of the following areas
(a) General intellectual ability (often referred to as, Intellectually Gifted).
(b) Academic ability (often referred to as, Academically Talented) in one or more academic areas (including, but not limited to: reading, mathematics, science, and social science).
(c) Creative ability in using original or nontraditional methods in thinking and producing.
(d) Leadership ability in motivating the performance of others either in educational or noneducational settings.
(e) Ability in the visual or performing arts, such as dance, music, or art.
Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS): Oregon laws passed by the State Legislature. Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR): Rules adopted by the State Board of Education to support statutes (ORS). Rate of Learning: The pace at which the student is successfully progressing through instructional materials and experiences after being placed at the appropriate level. A student’s rate will vary depending on the subject, interest, level of difficulty, and point in the learning process. Level of Learning: The instructional level where the student will encounter new knowledge and skills. It involves depth and complexity in thinking. Historical reference of District TAG Plans: House Bill (HB) 2180 (2011) and Senate Bill 486 (2021)