The Harrisburg School District offers kindergarten through 12th grade comprehensive education. We have three different schools: our elementary school is kindergarten through 4th grade, our middle school is 5th grade through 8th grade, and our high school is 9th grade through 12th grade. Our high school is in the 3A category for athletic competition. The Harrisburg School District is using AVID framework K-12 district wide. In addition to the state testing, our teachers use the assessment called (MAP), Measuring Academic Progress to inform our staff, students and parents of student’s growth and academic needs in math, reading and writing.
The Harrisburg School District board adopted a strategic plan for the district providing all stakeholders a road map to student’s success. Data is collected from assessments, reports and surveys for metrics deemed important to a cross section of stakeholders in the district. The school administration analyzes and shares this data regularly to assist with informing decisions made at the building level and classroom level.
Harrisburg School District operates on a 4-Day school Week. Most Friday’s are non-school days for students. Full time teachers work 9 hour days Monday through Thursday. The work week for classified, supervisory, confidential, and administrative employee groups varies according to the strength of the direct connection between each group’s job responsibilities and the physical presence of students on campus.
Harrisburg School District operates an online program as part of the school district. Flex Academy is available through an application and interview process for grades K-12.
Harrisburg School District is a wonderful district with much community support. In May 2018, the district passed a general obligation bond for mechanical systems upgrades, athletic facility upgrades especially the track, deferred maintenance work and classrooms, if needed. In addition to the bond funds, the district secured two different seismic rehabilitation grants. One was in 2017 for the middle school gymnasium and the second one is for the High School gymnasium and adjoining buildings.