School and District Report Cards are published by the Oregon Department of Education annually. These reports were mandated by the 1999 state legislature and provide educators an opportunity to communicate directly with parents and community members about how local schools are performing. To view school and district report cards please visit:
The Student Success Act - Student Investment Account is a grant agreement between the Department of Education and the school district. The agreement explains how funds are distributed by the Department of Education to the school district as described under ORS 327.195. The purpose of this grant is to provide funding to assist in meeting the needs of all students in the district. The grant agreement between Harrisburg School District #7 and ODE can be found Here.
The Healthy and Safe Schools Plan (HASS) is reported to ODE and can be found here.
Community Report on Compliance with Public School Standards - Division 22 Assurances - English Version - Spanish Version
Integrated Guidance Plan The Integrated Guidance Plan aligns six separate federal and state programs that work together to increase student achievement. The plan provides the Harrisburg School District with the information needed to engage the community, assess the needs of the district, and plan and implement programs to impact student learning. By bringing these six programs together, it streamlines the application process, implementation, and evaluation of the services provided by these programs.
The six programs are: High School Success, Student Investment Account, Continuous Improvement Planning, Career and Technical Education, Every Day Matters, and Early Indicator Intervention Systems. With the addition of Early Literacy Success School District Grant.
The 2023-2024 Integrated Program annual review as reported to ODE can be found here.